
Track B (英文發表)

Bùi Quang Thành 院長

演講主題 : Earth Observation in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities

尹孝元 簡任正工程司

演講主題 : Nationwide Decision Support System for Debris Flow Disaster Management in Taiwan

摘要內容 : A national web-based decision support system—Debris-flow Disaster Management Information System established by Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Taiwan is introduced herein. By the way of advanced information techniques and user-friendly interface through the internet, the system integrates the Google Earth and WebGIS for users to access and display the state-of-art debris flow related information. The most important of the system is to provide the real-time debris flow warning information to various agencies of debris flow disaster management as well as to the general public for emergency response and evacuation actions. The effectiveness and reliability of the decision support system has been proved through tens of typhoon events in the last 20 years.

陳建元 教授

演講主題 : The Role of Blockchain in the Development of Smart Cities

摘要內容 : Smart cites has become a buzzword in the area of urban planning and management, because every city desperate wants to become better and smarter. Smart cites employ many cutting edge technologies together to achieve aforementioned goals. However, most researches focus more on the tangible technologies such as AI, IOT, 5G, self-driving car, and etc. Blockchain technology, which is more intangible and profound, which would be ignored easily. This presentation will elaborate the importance of blockchain in the development of smart cites and show that smart cities development will not succeed without the integration of blockchain.

黃亦敏 助理教授

演講主題 : 3D Printing Application for Smart Construction

摘要內容 : 3D-printing technology has become a rising application in many practical fields. Construction industry and related engineering applications have been starting to adopt 3D-printing in the manufacturing process. The academics also focus on improving construction works by introducing 3D-printing applications. The topics and current results from several students’ projects about 3D-printing were presented, and the thoughts about Smart Construction were presented by the author.

招樂文 國際業務代表

演講主題 : Application of UAV-based Multiple Spectrum Sensing in the Smart Cities

摘要內容 : The mature development of UAV changes our lives in many different areas. From the industrial usage to entertainment enhancement, the applications are always out of our imaginations. Because of the flexibility, interchangeability and mobility of UAV, we can treat them as a part of sensors for the Smart City establishment. In the presentation, different multi-spectrum sensors will be introduced and how do they work to contribute the big data for analysis.

Track B (中文發表)

楊宗珉 副局長

演講主題 : 智慧防汛之作為以新北市為例

摘要內容 : 新北水利局透過物聯網技術,以智慧防汛系統,於淹水潛勢點及熱點整合雨量預報資訊及相關遠端感測器和監視影像數據,在防汛作為超前部署,盡速處理及減低淹水災害發生。

李岳壇 科長

演講主題 : 桃園市政府智慧防災

摘要內容 : 智慧防災為水務局首重的防災策略,「水情防災資訊系統」榮獲2017年智慧城市創新應用獎。運用資通科技整合資源,從根本改變老舊且傳統的防災方式。

楊松岳 助理教授

演講主題 : 都會區即時淹水預報之構想

摘要內容 : 本次簡報主要說明在台灣二維即時淹水預報系統實際運作情形。利用現地觀測資料針對預報模式進行資料檢定與驗證結果。最後說明未來都會區即時淹水預報之構想。

林威延 助理教授

演講主題 : COVID-19潛在高風險 被感染者自動匡列系統

摘要內容 : 因應武漢肺炎疫情,我們開發一個可隨時紀錄人們移動軌跡的手機APP及感染風險評估平台。一旦有確診者時,疫調人員可使用評估平台快速匡列出近距離、長時間的高風險被感染者。

何彥陞 副教授

演講主題 : 台灣三維地籍制度的法律分析

指導老師:許皓香 老師

演講主題 : 尋龍探圳-大茅埔故事地圖

指導老師:朱正永 老師

演講主題 : 複合生質氫烷氣生產設備實作暨智慧監控

指導老師:賴哲儇 老師

演講主題 : 環景拍攝與虛擬實境建構逢甲大學土水館暨消防設施

指導老師:簡甫任 老師

演講主題 : 春雨塘番鴨之雨天足跡分析

指導老師:管志偉 老師

演講主題 : 台灣潛在疫情追蹤預警系統足跡APP & 延伸應用

指導老師:吳沛儒 老師

演講主題 : 惜食與缺食之資訊分享系統